Learn 15 Types of Bosses and How to Build Relationship with Them

Every workplace is different, and it also comes with different bosses. Some offices will make you excited to go to work every day, while there are also companies that are quite intimidating. At times, the workplace’s environment is a result of the managers’ attitude.
Your boss can shape, help, or break your career. So to know what kind of superior you have and how to build a relationship with them, here are the 15 types of supervisors that various offices have.

1. The Workaholic

Workaholic bosses may never know the concept of work-life balance. They always put the job first, above all else. This kind of superiors is still working – even in holidays, after working hours, and snow days. You will never even hear them calling off sick.
However, if your boss continuously works and already lives in the office, it doesn’t mean that you have to stay, too. As long as you efficiently do your work, having a workaholic boss is never a problem.

2. The Traditionalist

Traditionalist bosses may have stayed in a company for years. They have set their own ways of working and no plans to changing, always following a tradition. These superiors do their work the way they have always done them.
If you happen to work for a traditionalist boss, you have to be receptive of their old ways. You may try to introduce new methods, but if they didn’t accept, higher-ups might eventually realize something isn’t working right.

3. The Power Hungry

Power-hungry bosses are often craving for power and influence. They love their position more than their job. These managers enjoy their superiority due to the title they have. Usually, they like to impose things because of their “I said so” mentality.
If you have a power-hungry boss, do what they ask of you, but always think if it’s the right thing. Don’t always comply with their request just because they “said so.”

4. The Yeller

The yeller bosses believe raising their voices is needed to be obeyed. If your manager usually yells, don’t fret, just follow directions. Just like any boss, they want their employees to follow what is asked of them. You never have to take the yelling personally.

5. The Scary

After the yeller, we also have encountered scary bosses. They are the intimidating ones who look scary that you will just follow everything they say. However, supervisors who scare their employees don’t last that long in a company. If the threat is too much, you can constructively confront your boss. If you’re still intimidated, it may be better to look for a new job.

6. The Nitpicker

The nitpicker bosses will see something wrong in everything you do. May it be a small detail or a big one, this kind of boss will change your work because they can simply do so. In this situation, you have to learn to compromise and argue your case but ensure your boss will still feel in control.

7. The Micromanager

The micromanager is the perfectionist boss. They will always be involved in everything you do and try to control your work. If you’re working with a micromanager boss, you should never take their over-involvement personally and just do the best that you can.

8. The Buddy

It’s fun to have buddy bosses who try to be friendly with their employees. They like to be equal to their workers and well-liked for it. However, if you become friends with your boss, you should need to learn to put a balance between your work time and playtime and continuously treat them with respect.

9. The Pushover

The pushover boss will let you do what you want to do. However, you should never take advantage of their kindness. Stay motivated, and do you work as a pushover boss will never help you with your career.

10. The Idiot

There will always be idiot bosses. It is a big challenge to work with this kind of boss, so you have to maintain your work ethic. If your higher-ups notice something wrong and see you’re doing your job right, you may even be a candidate to replace your boss.

11. The Underqualified

Some underqualified bosses are less familiar with the job, work, company, and is less educated than you do. But, you should never make fun of them and instead help them with the things that they can’t do. For this, your boss will surely remember you for the things you do.

12. The Eccentric

Eccentric bosses are always over the top. They often have a unique idea and ways to accomplish the companies’ goals. Although it may cause confusion or frustration among workers, they are always open to suggestions and innovations. If you are working hard and doing your best, you will have no problem working with an eccentric boss.

13. The MIA

Some bosses are always missing in action. They often work from home, go to the meetings, or stay locked inside their offices. This will cause you to work independently that will also help you to be independent along the way. However, you should always ask for feedback on everything you do whenever you see them.

14. The Introvert

Introvert bosses prefer to work alone. Often, they are the hardworking managers, but not the best when it comes to people skills. It is also important to be self-sufficient if your boss is an introvert. Set your own goals and try to learn some things from them. You can try asking questions and discuss what they will feel comfortable with.

15. The Great Boss

The great boss is the ideal boss you’ll have. This kind of manager is always the fair one, who knows to listen and motivate. They ask for feedback and input from employees, leading a positive work environment aiming everyone to succeed.

Photo Sources: Twitter, North West Business Life, Time
